We are the proud owners of an old Kubota tractor. It is a wonderful gift that my dad gave to us and we have been anxiously awaiting it's delivery to our home in Redding. It runs great when the tires are not falling off (which only happened once and was promptly fixed). We have already begun to clear our back yard. We even have people lining up to borrow it.

Gabe sings special bedtime songs with Noe each night. He sings a different one for each grandparent. Till now Papa Ernie's song has been "Papa Ernie drives a tractor, Papa Ernie drives a truck, Vroom vroom vroom goes the tractor, vroom vroom vroom goes the truck. But since my parents came up and brought our new Kubota the song has been asked to be changed...Now when Gabe sings the song Noe interjects with (and makes Gabe correct the song with) Papa Ernie drives an ORANGE tractor. I know that Papa Ernie has been trying to encourage John Deer Green but I think that it will now be Kubota Orange. Noe is very firm about that.